Droning the drove: Israeli cow-herders turn to flying tech

Droning the drove: Israeli cow-herders turn to flying tech

3 years ago
Anonymous $RGO3jP_V_c


The buzz of tiny rotors has replaced dog barks and bullwhips on this Israeli ranch, where drones are being used to herd and observe cattle.

Droning the drove: Israeli cow-herders turn to flying tech

Dec 2, 2020, 8:21am UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-technology-drone-cattle/droning-the-drove-israeli-cow-herders-turn-to-flying-tech-idUSKBN28C0SV >The buzz of tiny rotors has replaced dog barks and bullwhips on this Israeli ranch, where drones are being used to herd and observe cattle.