Chris Wylie: Blowing the whistle on Cambridge Analytica? Worth it

Chris Wylie: Blowing the whistle on Cambridge Analytica? Worth it

5 years ago
Anonymous $L9wC17otzH

It was all worth it, he said on stage at Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal, on Tuesday, because it started a conversation.

"Change is slow. Change doesn't happen overnight," said Wylie."I sat there in one of the largest abuses of AI ethics I think that we've seen yet, and I felt a duty to speak about it."

Chris Wylie: Blowing the whistle on Cambridge Analytica? Worth it

Nov 6, 2018, 7:26pm UTC > It was all worth it, he said on stage at Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal, on Tuesday, because it started a conversation. > "Change is slow. Change doesn't happen overnight," said Wylie."I sat there in one of the largest abuses of AI ethics I think that we've seen yet, and I felt a duty to speak about it."