Bad leaders lead to bad ends. This can help you avoid that fate.

Bad leaders lead to bad ends. This can help you avoid that fate.

5 years ago
Anonymous $L9wC17otzH

Remember “300”? When disfigured Spartan Ephialtes told King Leonidas of a potentially crippling flaw in the king’s plan to stave off the invading Persians? Did Leonidas listen? Of course not. Instead, he rejected and pissed off Ephialtes, who immediately turned around and sold out the Spartans to their enemy Xerxes.

The moral of the story: bad leadership kills. And if you want to avoid Leonidas’ fate (a particularly gruesome death via arrow bombardment), learning how to wear the mantle of leadership with some smarts is hugely key. Learn those steps with the Diploma in Leadership and Management Course. Right now, there’s also a 50 percent price drop on the course’s sale price, bringing the whole package down to just $49.