Yahoo! $50m! hack! damages! bill!, Russian trolls menaced by Uncle Sam inaction, computer voting-machine UI confusion, and more

Yahoo! $50m! hack! damages! bill!, Russian trolls menaced by Uncle Sam inaction, computer voting-machine UI confusion, and more

5 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL


Roundup This week's headlines included buggy cranes, WebEx cockups, and DNS drama.

Here are a few more bits of security news, prepared just for you.

Yahoo! $50m! hack! damages! bill!, Russian trolls menaced by Uncle Sam inaction, computer voting-machine UI confusion, and more

Oct 27, 2018, 2:21pm UTC
https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/10/27/security_roundup_261018/ > Roundup This week's headlines included buggy cranes, WebEx cockups, and DNS drama. > Here are a few more bits of security news, prepared just for you.