AT&T successfully tests first 5G hotspot you'll actually be able to buy

AT&T successfully tests first 5G hotspot you'll actually be able to buy

5 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL

The company had completed the first 5G data transfer in September, but that was using test equipment, not a device everyday consumers will be able to buy.

AT&T's plan is to start rolling out 5G in 12 cities, including Dallas, Atlanta and Oklahoma City. Then, next year, another 19 cities will gain access, including Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas.

AT&T successfully tests first 5G hotspot you'll actually be able to buy

Oct 27, 2018, 1:13am UTC > The company had completed the first 5G data transfer in September, but that was using test equipment, not a device everyday consumers will be able to buy. > AT&T's plan is to start rolling out 5G in 12 cities, including Dallas, Atlanta and Oklahoma City. Then, next year, another 19 cities will gain access, including Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas.