An iPhone XS Max Develops Faulty ‘Green Line’ Display After Unboxing

An iPhone XS Max Develops Faulty ‘Green Line’ Display After Unboxing

5 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL

Users who placed their pre-orders for the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max are now having their gadgets delivered to them. Some units of Apple’s 2017 flagship, the iPhone X, faced problems in the form of a vertical green line running at the left side of the display. Now it looks as if the problem has resurfaced on the iPhone XS Max. Take a look below for more details.

The iPhone X caught user and market attention for a variety of factors. Not only was it Apple’s first serious upgrade of the lineup in years, but the gadget also featured 3D facial recognition and a $1000 price tag. Naturally, when you’ve got such a high price tag, user expectations for it also go up. Therefore, when the iPhone X’s OLED panel (first of its kind on an iPhone) started to display green lines at the side, users complained loudly.