Great Pacific Garbage Patch cleanup is drawing near

Great Pacific Garbage Patch cleanup is drawing near

5 years ago
Anonymous $RBasgWKaIV

An unsettling study released in March showed the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a teeming collection of floating plastic junk located between California and Hawaii, is now three times the size of France. But it may start shrinking soon if non-profit The Ocean Cleanup gets its way.

The Ocean Cleanup is developing a floating debris-gathering system and plans to launch its first practical test run this summer. Last week, the group unveiled its final system design, which consists of a fleet of smaller free-floating systems, rather than a sole massive one as had originally planned.

Great Pacific Garbage Patch cleanup is drawing near

Jul 26, 2018, 10:26pm UTC > An unsettling study released in March showed the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a teeming collection of floating plastic junk located between California and Hawaii, is now three times the size of France. But it may start shrinking soon if non-profit The Ocean Cleanup gets its way. > The Ocean Cleanup is developing a floating debris-gathering system and plans to launch its first practical test run this summer. Last week, the group unveiled its final system design, which consists of a fleet of smaller free-floating systems, rather than a sole massive one as had originally planned.