Finding a Fair Way to Tame the Bigoted Bots

Finding a Fair Way to Tame the Bigoted Bots

5 years ago
Anonymous $RBasgWKaIV

There is bigotry among the bots. Algorithms that are used to make life-changing decisions — rejecting job applicants, identifying prisoners likely to reoffend, even removing a child at risk of suspected abuse — have been found to…

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Finding a Fair Way to Tame the Bigoted Bots

Jul 26, 2018, 8:44pm UTC > There is bigotry among the bots. Algorithms that are used to make life-changing decisions — rejecting job applicants, identifying prisoners likely to reoffend, even removing a child at risk of suspected abuse — have been found to… > Continue with FacebookContinue with GoogleMedium curates expert stories from leading publishers exclusively for members (with no ads!). Register for a free account to begin your member preview.