Anti-Earthquake Bed Goes Viral, Draws Mockery: ‘Convertible Coffin’

Anti-Earthquake Bed Goes Viral, Draws Mockery: ‘Convertible Coffin’

5 years ago
Anonymous $dicfOfy7s2

Earthquakes are one of mother nature’s most terrifying offerings. Inland, they can level towns and shut down power grids, while at sea they can send towering tsunamis hurtling towards helpless coastlines.

One of the scariest aspects is that you never know when one will hit. Nations spend decades waiting for “the big one,” doing what they can to minimize the destruction when it eventually comes. Whether you are an architect, emergency responder, politician or any other normal citizen, everyone in risk areas must be well-versed in earthquake procedures to maximize their chances of survival.

Anti-Earthquake Bed Goes Viral, Draws Mockery: ‘Convertible Coffin’

Jul 27, 2018, 4:50pm UTC > Earthquakes are one of mother nature’s most terrifying offerings. Inland, they can level towns and shut down power grids, while at sea they can send towering tsunamis hurtling towards helpless coastlines. > One of the scariest aspects is that you never know when one will hit. Nations spend decades waiting for “the big one,” doing what they can to minimize the destruction when it eventually comes. Whether you are an architect, emergency responder, politician or any other normal citizen, everyone in risk areas must be well-versed in earthquake procedures to maximize their chances of survival.