Quriobot is your website’s 24/7/365 help desk — and right now, it’s over 90 percent off

Quriobot is your website’s 24/7/365 help desk — and right now, it’s over 90 percent off

5 years ago
Anonymous $TjsaxHwAP-


If you’ve got a business website, you’ve likely got an email address so customers can submit comments, questions, concerns, and complaints. But what if it’s a weekend? Or over a holiday span? How long will it ultimately take to get your customer the information they need?

Chatbots, those polite, always-on-duty electronic concierges, are a perfect way to help customers feel like their web inquiries are always being addressed promptly and courteously. You can enlist some AI customer relations help of your own with a lifetime subscription to Quriobot ($59.99, over 90 percent off, from TNW Deals).