Amazon could be delivering to the Moon by 2023

Amazon could be delivering to the Moon by 2023

5 years ago
Anonymous $cyhBy-qkd5

Jeff Bezos is best known as the CEO of Amazon and the owner of the Washington Post. What many people don’t know, is that he also owns Blue Origin, a space engineering company that he quietly dumps a billion dollars into each year. And he plans on using that company to put people on the Moon within the next five years.

According to reports, the company’s initiative to send a manned flight to the Moon, dubbed the “Blue Moon” project, is moving into the next phase and remains on target for 2023 or sooner. This isn’t the first time Bezos and his space gang at Blue Origin have talked about putting people on the Moon in this particular time frame.

Amazon could be delivering to the Moon by 2023

Jul 5, 2018, 11:16pm UTC > Jeff Bezos is best known as the CEO of Amazon and the owner of the Washington Post. What many people don’t know, is that he also owns Blue Origin, a space engineering company that he quietly dumps a billion dollars into each year. And he plans on using that company to put people on the Moon within the next five years. > According to reports, the company’s initiative to send a manned flight to the Moon, dubbed the “Blue Moon” project, is moving into the next phase and remains on target for 2023 or sooner. This isn’t the first time Bezos and his space gang at Blue Origin have talked about putting people on the Moon in this particular time frame.