Android P's new Magnifier tool will take the guessing out of selecting text

Android P's new Magnifier tool will take the guessing out of selecting text

5 years ago
Anonymous $cyhBy-qkd5

Picture this. You're reading through a wall of text and come across a sentence you want to copy and paste. On Android, highlighting a line of text (and not overshooting or cutting off words) can be a pain even if you have the skinniest and nimblest fingers. iOS comes with a text-magnifying feature to make this easier, and it seems like the next version of Android is taking a page from the Apple playbook.

Android P will come with Google's new Magnifier feature. Google initially called out Magnifier when Android P was announced in May, but the feature was highlighted in detail in an Android developers blog post on July 4. Watch how the magic works below:

Android P's new Magnifier tool will take the guessing out of selecting text

Jul 5, 2018, 5:52pm UTC > Picture this. You're reading through a wall of text and come across a sentence you want to copy and paste. On Android, highlighting a line of text (and not overshooting or cutting off words) can be a pain even if you have the skinniest and nimblest fingers. iOS comes with a text-magnifying feature to make this easier, and it seems like the next version of Android is taking a page from the Apple playbook. > Android P will come with Google's new Magnifier feature. Google initially called out Magnifier when Android P was announced in May, but the feature was highlighted in detail in an Android developers blog post on July 4. Watch how the magic works below: