Tips for photographing the total solar eclipse

Tips for photographing the total solar eclipse

6 years ago
Anonymous $Gu9VYqcl-R

I've never been a big fan of astronomical events: there are just too many meteor showers or planet transits to keep up with, and a slightly larger Moon just doesn't do much for me. But I have completely shed my cynical attitude regarding the upcoming total solar eclipse. The more I learn about it, the more excited I am to see it — and to photograph it. I'll be heading down to Nashville, which lies in the path of the eclipse's shadow, so I'll have the opportunity to get an incredible snapshot of the Sun completely covered by the Moon.

I consider myself an amateur photographer, but I’ve never tried taking pictures of celestial events before, and I’ve never even witnessed an eclipse. So I turned to a self-proclaimed astrophotographer Justin Starr to give me some tips about how to best snap a picture of the Sun — before, during, and after totality. Watch his demonstration in the video above and check out a summary of his suggestions below.