Rare Apple-1 computer up for auction ‘could have been’ the one from historic moment

Rare Apple-1 computer up for auction ‘could have been’ the one from historic moment

a year ago
Anonymous $Dcz6_RW03I


The exact place in history of a rare, early Apple computer up for auction remains unclear, but people with direct knowledge and expertise say it may be the device Apple co-founders Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs showed off at a pivotal meeting that led to the retail launch of their first home computer, the Apple-1.

A story last week by this news organization, quoting key players from the PC industry’s early days, cast doubt on claims about the computer’s place in history. But this week, Paul Terrell, who owned the computer stores where Apple-1s were first sold, and Achim Baqué, curator of the “Apple-1 Registry” that tracks the computers, suggested the auction-block device may well be the early prototype Wozniak and Jobs showed off at the Homebrew Computer Club meeting in 1976 in Menlo Park, and that Jobs brought to show Terrell at his Byte Shop in Mountain View the next day.