Bay Area virtual reality amusement boldly goes to the next level

Bay Area virtual reality amusement boldly goes to the next level

4 years ago
Anonymous $yQ5BfQaAxy

It’s not every day that you find yourself fighting Klingons in downtown San Francisco.

But here I am, inexplicably locked in an ultra-intense battle against what feels like endless waves of hostile, sword-wielding, armor-clad alien warriors, who apparently crave my demise.

Bay Area virtual reality amusement boldly goes to the next level

Jan 23, 2020, 2:44pm UTC > It’s not every day that you find yourself fighting Klingons in downtown San Francisco. > But here I am, inexplicably locked in an ultra-intense battle against what feels like endless waves of hostile, sword-wielding, armor-clad alien warriors, who apparently crave my demise.