Coronavirus: Deaths, hospitalizations, cases hit new highs in California

Coronavirus: Deaths, hospitalizations, cases hit new highs in California

3 years ago
Anonymous $qOHwDUKgAF

More counties in California are being monitored by the state health department now than are not, as the coronavirus crisis continued to spread in nearly every corner of state over the weekend.

On both days this weekend, California reported more than 6,000 new cases – 6,992 Saturday and 6,177 Sunday, higher than any previous weekend day, sending the seven-day averaging soaring to 9,729 cases per day, according to data compiled by this news organization. There were 72 fatalities reported Saturday but just 23 on Sunday. However, many counties — including Riverside, Ventura, Fresno, Alameda and more — don’t provide update on Sundays. Still, due to the reporting delays from last holiday weekend, the seven-day average climbed north of 100 deaths per day for the first time of the pandemic. (Tests and deaths from last weekend reported the following Monday are reflected in that average, inflating it higher.)

Coronavirus: Deaths, hospitalizations, cases hit new highs in California

Jul 13, 2020, 4:19pm UTC > More counties in California are being monitored by the state health department now than are not, as the coronavirus crisis continued to spread in nearly every corner of state over the weekend. > On both days this weekend, California reported more than 6,000 new cases – 6,992 Saturday and 6,177 Sunday, higher than any previous weekend day, sending the seven-day averaging soaring to 9,729 cases per day, according to data compiled by this news organization. There were 72 fatalities reported Saturday but just 23 on Sunday. However, many counties — including Riverside, Ventura, Fresno, Alameda and more — don’t provide update on Sundays. Still, due to the reporting delays from last holiday weekend, the seven-day average climbed north of 100 deaths per day for the first time of the pandemic. (Tests and deaths from last weekend reported the following Monday are reflected in that average, inflating it higher.)