Is it likely the Supreme Court will decide the 2020 election? Ask the lawyer

Is it likely the Supreme Court will decide the 2020 election? Ask the lawyer

3 years ago
Anonymous $RGO3jP_V_c

Q: Is the outcome of the 2020 election going to be decided by the Supreme Court?

A: The United States Supreme Court has limited jurisdiction, and only takes a very modest number of the cases submitted to it. If there is an authentic federal question pertaining to the 2020 election (such that the Constitution is implicated), the high court could take up an actual controversy. To date, however, the legal challenges on behalf of the president have largely been unsuccessful. If we assume a case about the election properly is brought to the Supreme Court, a concern some have is that several of the judges will rule in favor of the president because they are more sympathetic to his political views and/or because he appointed them. I have a greater level of faith in the objectivity of the justices, though. Further, the Supreme Court would not rule on who won the election, but simply make a decision on any specific case before it. For example, if something illegal was done in a particular state, then the court would issue a ruling in that regard only.