How Video Games Can Teach Us to Play Well with Others

How Video Games Can Teach Us to Play Well with Others

4 years ago
Anonymous $xdcOWPpsb_

Jamal Davis was brimming with excitement as he headed to meet his new classmates at the welcome barbecue on campus. All his hard work had paid off, and he was ready to begin his PhD research at a top university in his field. He walked up to the student manning the grill to introduce himself, but before he could get a word in, the student asked him to check if there was more soda in the back. The graduate student had incorrectly assumed Jamal was a caterer based on the color of his skin.

This wasn’t real. It was playing out on my computer monitor. At this point in the scene, a bright red exclamation point appeared over Jamal’s head, and a loud ding! rang through my laptop speakers, prompting me to identify the form of implicit bias Jamal had just experienced. This was the first of many incidents I would virtually experience as Jamal Davis in the video game Fair Play.

How Video Games Can Teach Us to Play Well with Others

Nov 21, 2019, 1:28pm UTC > Jamal Davis was brimming with excitement as he headed to meet his new classmates at the welcome barbecue on campus. All his hard work had paid off, and he was ready to begin his PhD research at a top university in his field. He walked up to the student manning the grill to introduce himself, but before he could get a word in, the student asked him to check if there was more soda in the back. The graduate student had incorrectly assumed Jamal was a caterer based on the color of his skin. > This wasn’t real. It was playing out on my computer monitor. At this point in the scene, a bright red exclamation point appeared over Jamal’s head, and a loud ding! rang through my laptop speakers, prompting me to identify the form of implicit bias Jamal had just experienced. This was the first of many incidents I would virtually experience as Jamal Davis in the video game Fair Play.