Covid-19 Cases Were Already Rising Before the George Floyd Protests

Covid-19 Cases Were Already Rising Before the George Floyd Protests

4 years ago
Anonymous $-9GJQVHNr8

Across the US, tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets to protest against decades of systemic racism and police brutality, and to demand justice for George Floyd, a black man who was killed while in Minneapolis police custody on May 25. Amid the well-documented dangers of rubber bullets, tear gas, and pepper spray—which heavily-militarized police departments have used against protestors and journalists in recent days—these mass demonstrations carry a more invisible threat, too. The deadly new coronavirus is still circulating in all 50 states. And with so many people yelling, chanting, and coughing in close proximity, the protests will almost certainly set off devastating new chains of contagion in the coming weeks. (Let’s not forget that the virus thrives in jails and prisons, and this week the police arrested more than 10,000 people.)

The virus typically takes four to five days to incubate before an infected person starts showing symptoms (if they show symptoms at all). But it can take up to 14 days, and—given the additional time it takes people to get tested and learn their results—that means it could be July before the number of new protest-related cases becomes clear. What scientists are already starting to see, however, is that in at least 14 states, including Minnesota, case numbers have been on the rise following the relaxation of stay-at-home orders. And correspondingly, intensive care units have been filling up. In these spikes, epidemiologists see the consequences of states opening up too early, before establishing adequate testing and tracing resources to contend with new outbreaks. And they’re worried about those two forces colliding.