Is the Great Indian Bustard About to Go Extinct?

Is the Great Indian Bustard About to Go Extinct?

5 years ago
Anonymous $dicfOfy7s2

Nearly 60 years ago the legendary ornithologist Sálim Ali made a bold proposition: A three-foot-tall bird known as the great Indian bustard, he suggested, should be named as the national bird of India.

Maybe they should have listened to Sálim Ali in the first place.

Is the Great Indian Bustard About to Go Extinct?

Jul 27, 2018, 7:15pm UTC > Nearly 60 years ago the legendary ornithologist Sálim Ali made a bold proposition: A three-foot-tall bird known as the great Indian bustard, he suggested, should be named as the national bird of India. > Maybe they should have listened to Sálim Ali in the first place.