It's a girl,girl,boy,girl...! Baby boom at 2-zoo partnership

It's a girl,girl,boy,girl...! Baby boom at 2-zoo partnership

5 years ago
Anonymous $RBasgWKaIV

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — About a year after moving into spacious new digs in New Orleans, African animals are doing just what officials from two zoos had hoped when they created the forested paddocks: being fruitful and multiplying. Seven antelope have given birth, at least one more female is pregnant and others may be.

The small herds wander in 3- to 46-acre (1.2- to 19-hectare) swaths of forest, marking a partnership between the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans and San Diego Zoo Global. The zoos' Alliance for Sustainable Wildlife is aimed at preserving endangered species and producing popular species for zoos.