Getting Started with dotnet Core and AWS Aurora

Getting Started with dotnet Core and AWS Aurora

6 years ago
Anonymous $qrGo_Xv_Cm

It’s extremely interesting to me that AWS is working on a serverless implementation of Aurora for on-demand (no reserved capacity) workflows. SQL hasn’t had a place in my serverless architectures in recent years, as I’m allergic to running idle DB instances and the operational complexity of managing cluster on/off/scaling myself. I’m very much looking forward to getting back to relational storage when that product is available.

Since it’s been a while since I’ve worked in such a space, I recently made a quick run-through of building and running a dotnet core application with EntityFrameworkCore for modeling and using an AWS Aurora cluster as the storage engine. Why? Well, this stack requires code from three (primarily, more actually) vendors to work together, and call me skeptical but I tend to test this kind of thing. Here is what I found.