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Researchers apply for a job

2 years ago
Anonymous $BH0TGXkyPe

The FIN7 hacking group is attempting to join the highly profitable ransomware space by creating fake cybersecurity companies that conduct network attacks under the guise of pentesting.

FIN7 (aka 'Carbanak') has been involved in cyberattacks and money-stealing campaigns since 2015 when they first appeared in the cybercrime space, including infecting ATMs with MITM-enabling malware.

Researchers apply for a job

Oct 21, 2021, 5:59pm UTC > The FIN7 hacking group is attempting to join the highly profitable ransomware space by creating fake cybersecurity companies that conduct network attacks under the guise of pentesting. > FIN7 (aka 'Carbanak') has been involved in cyberattacks and money-stealing campaigns since 2015 when they first appeared in the cybercrime space, including infecting ATMs with MITM-enabling malware.