How I started my open source journey after being demotivated for two years

How I started my open source journey after being demotivated for two years

5 years ago
Anonymous $9jpehmcKty


Photo by David Clode on UnsplashContributing to open source is very difficult. The people who do are experts with years of experience and we are just beginners — it’s not meant for us.Those were the exact words of my friends when I first asked them about what open source and Google Summer of Code were and how we could contribute to them. The inferiority complex inside me (or I should say the superiority I gave to them for being a little more into coding than I was) made me believe their words for two long years. So I had totally abandoned the thought of ever contributing to open source.

But today, here I am with 12 PRs submitted successfully and 3 under review to organisations like Mozilla, freeCodeCamp and Gatsbyjs. And guess what? I’m still in college and have almost zero experience working in any organisation or company!