Why I switched Kong for Traefik

Why I switched Kong for Traefik

5 years ago
Anonymous $fWzGa1uP8i


Kong and Traefik are both reverse proxies which can be used to route incoming traffic to all of your services running inside your Kubernetes cluster. I used Kong for a very long time until a comment was placed on my previous Medium post and made me look into other ingress controllers out there.

Traefik is written in Go. It is developed by Containous and has an integrated dashboard. It utilises Kubernetes to store its state and makes use of Ingresses and Secrets to route all traffic to your services over https. Traefik is lightweight and very easy to use and set up. Performance-wise it should not be looked down upon in comparison with nginx. It is already used worldwide in production and heavily tested and benchmarked.

Why I switched Kong for Traefik

Apr 12, 2019, 2:17pm UTC
https://medium.com/@bouwe.ceunen/why-i-switched-kong-for-traefik-b997b9948878 > Kong and Traefik are both reverse proxies which can be used to route incoming traffic to all of your services running inside your Kubernetes cluster. I used Kong for a very long time until a comment was placed on my previous Medium post and made me look into other ingress controllers out there. > Traefik is written in Go. It is developed by Containous and has an integrated dashboard. It utilises Kubernetes to store its state and makes use of Ingresses and Secrets to route all traffic to your services over https. Traefik is lightweight and very easy to use and set up. Performance-wise it should not be looked down upon in comparison with nginx. It is already used worldwide in production and heavily tested and benchmarked.