AT&T wants to put ads on your smartphone in exchange for $5 discount

AT&T wants to put ads on your smartphone in exchange for $5 discount

3 years ago
Anonymous $rxtAWepgzY

AT&T CEO John Stankey said the company may offer cell-phone plans subsidized by advertising, giving customers monthly discounts of $5 or $10 in exchange for ads on their phones. "I believe there's a segment of our customer base where given a choice, they would take some load of advertising for a $5 or $10 reduction in their mobile bill," Stankey said in an interview with Reuters yesterday. Stankey apparently didn't offer details on what form the ads would take.

According to Reuters, Stankey said that AT&T's ad-supported phone plans could be introduced in "a year or two." AT&T is already doing back-end work in its targeted-advertising system that could increase the value of such plans to AT&T's ad-sales business: