“Chickens**t” whistleblower firings are “poison,” resigning Amazon VP says

“Chickens**t” whistleblower firings are “poison,” resigning Amazon VP says

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf


Amazon VP Tim Bray, who had been with the company for more than five years, has resigned in protest of Amazon's treatment of warehouse workers and the firing of other employees who spoke out.

“Chickens**t” whistleblower firings are “poison,” resigning Amazon VP says

May 4, 2020, 4:59pm UTC
https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/05/amazon-vp-resigns-over-companys-chickenst-firing-of-whistleblowers/ > Amazon VP Tim Bray, who had been with the company for more than five years, has resigned in protest of Amazon's treatment of warehouse workers and the firing of other employees who spoke out.