Peak Finding Problems and Algorithm Efficiency

Peak Finding Problems and Algorithm Efficiency

5 years ago
Anonymous $L9wC17otzH

I’m a full-stack developer who enjoys writing about technology (among other things- If this article interests/helps you follow me on Medium and Twitter for more content like this.

While it’s a bit of a toy problem, the peak finding problem is a great platform to start getting to grips with some of the core concepts in algorithmic thinking. It serves as an excellent introduction to facing questions about how to efficiently solve problems with large amounts of data.

Peak Finding Problems and Algorithm Efficiency

Jan 14, 2019, 10:21am UTC > I’m a full-stack developer who enjoys writing about technology (among other things- If this article interests/helps you follow me on Medium and Twitter for more content like this. > While it’s a bit of a toy problem, the peak finding problem is a great platform to start getting to grips with some of the core concepts in algorithmic thinking. It serves as an excellent introduction to facing questions about how to efficiently solve problems with large amounts of data.