E3 2018: Anthem Frame Rate For PS4/Xbox One Discussed By BioWare

E3 2018: Anthem Frame Rate For PS4/Xbox One Discussed By BioWare

5 years ago
Anonymous $roN-uuAfLt


Anthem producer Mark Darrah has commented on the action game's frame rate on console. At one point, Darrah said he thought the game would be locked at 30 FPS on console, but that estimate may no longer be accurate. The frame rate could be higher.

In a newer tweet, Darrah said Anthem might perform better, especially on "newer revisions." Presumably that is a reference to Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. "While I previously said consoles would be locked at 30, I may actually prove wrong. ESPECIALLY on the newer revisions," Darrah said.

E3 2018: Anthem Frame Rate For PS4/Xbox One Discussed By BioWare

Jun 10, 2018, 5:36pm UTC
https://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-2018-anthem-frame-rate-for-ps4xbox-one-discusse/1100-6459577/ > Anthem producer Mark Darrah has commented on the action game's frame rate on console. At one point, Darrah said he thought the game would be locked at 30 FPS on console, but that estimate may no longer be accurate. The frame rate could be higher. > In a newer tweet, Darrah said Anthem might perform better, especially on "newer revisions." Presumably that is a reference to Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. "While I previously said consoles would be locked at 30, I may actually prove wrong. ESPECIALLY on the newer revisions," Darrah said.