Xbox Cloud Gaming Comparison Video Highlights Fast Load Times and Better Visuals and Performance Than Xbox One Native Versions

Xbox Cloud Gaming Comparison Video Highlights Fast Load Times and Better Visuals and Performance Than Xbox One Native Versions

2 years ago
Anonymous $np3LcwuhSi

A new Xbox Cloud Gaming comparison video has been shared online, highlighting how games played via the streaming service look and perform better than native Xbox One versions.

The video, shared on YouTube by ElAnalistaDeBits, compares Gears 5, Forza Horizon 4, Hellblade, The Medium, Psychonauts 2, and Battlefield V. In all cases, games load significantly faster when played via Xbox Cloud Gaming, have better performance and better visuals, although the latter also depends on connection quality. Resolution is limited to 1080p, which is still a step-up for the Xbox One, as most games released on the console use dynamic resolution.

Xbox Cloud Gaming Comparison Video Highlights Fast Load Times and Better Visuals and Performance Than Xbox One Native Versions

Oct 29, 2021, 11:27am UTC > A new Xbox Cloud Gaming comparison video has been shared online, highlighting how games played via the streaming service look and perform better than native Xbox One versions. > The video, shared on YouTube by ElAnalistaDeBits, compares Gears 5, Forza Horizon 4, Hellblade, The Medium, Psychonauts 2, and Battlefield V. In all cases, games load significantly faster when played via Xbox Cloud Gaming, have better performance and better visuals, although the latter also depends on connection quality. Resolution is limited to 1080p, which is still a step-up for the Xbox One, as most games released on the console use dynamic resolution.