Silent Hill goes First Person in ‘Beginning Nightmare’ Concept Demo

Silent Hill goes First Person in ‘Beginning Nightmare’ Concept Demo

4 years ago
Anonymous $xdcOWPpsb_

Silent Hill is still one of the scariest, most atmospheric games to have ever been made, with one of the most memorable introductions I've ever had in a game. Namely, finding yourself in that damn alley, the change happening, then you're trapped. When I first played it, I was panicking, frantically running around thinking I was going to lose the game really early. I was ten at the time.

Introducing Zero Trace Operative and the first-person Silent Hill remake. Well, proof of concept that a first-person remake would still be as terrifyingly good, even with old PSX era visuals. Sure, this isn't going to be Silent Hills, nor will this even be finished because that would be incredibly time intensive and, well, Konami. What this is, though, is a pretty damn enjoyable short and creepy proof of concept.

Silent Hill goes First Person in ‘Beginning Nightmare’ Concept Demo

Nov 10, 2019, 8:14am UTC > Silent Hill is still one of the scariest, most atmospheric games to have ever been made, with one of the most memorable introductions I've ever had in a game. Namely, finding yourself in that damn alley, the change happening, then you're trapped. When I first played it, I was panicking, frantically running around thinking I was going to lose the game really early. I was ten at the time. > Introducing Zero Trace Operative and the first-person Silent Hill remake. Well, proof of concept that a first-person remake would still be as terrifyingly good, even with old PSX era visuals. Sure, this isn't going to be Silent Hills, nor will this even be finished because that would be incredibly time intensive and, well, Konami. What this is, though, is a pretty damn enjoyable short and creepy proof of concept.