MLB The Show 20 Fronted by Cubs’ Javier Báez, Special Editions and Release Date Revealed

MLB The Show 20 Fronted by Cubs’ Javier Báez, Special Editions and Release Date Revealed

4 years ago
Anonymous $JavybBYWR5

With the World Series kicking off tomorrow, Sony has released first details about their latest baseball sim, MLB The Show 20. The big news is that the game will be fronted by Chicago Cubs shortstop Javier Báez, who helped his team break a 106-year championship curse in 2016 and has continued to be one of the league’s best players since. Báez has this to say about being the new cover athlete…

I am so honored and excited to be on the cover of MLB The Show 20. I’ll never forget how it felt when I saw myself in the game for the first time, even as a backup! It was so surreal. Still, it’s one thing to see your virtual self, but it’s completely next level to be on the cover of a game you’ve played and love.

MLB The Show 20 Fronted by Cubs’ Javier Báez, Special Editions and Release Date Revealed

Oct 21, 2019, 10:14pm UTC > With the World Series kicking off tomorrow, Sony has released first details about their latest baseball sim, MLB The Show 20. The big news is that the game will be fronted by Chicago Cubs shortstop Javier Báez, who helped his team break a 106-year championship curse in 2016 and has continued to be one of the league’s best players since. Báez has this to say about being the new cover athlete… > I am so honored and excited to be on the cover of MLB The Show 20. I’ll never forget how it felt when I saw myself in the game for the first time, even as a backup! It was so surreal. Still, it’s one thing to see your virtual self, but it’s completely next level to be on the cover of a game you’ve played and love.