Crysis Remastered First Screenshots Don’t Look Particularly Impressive

Crysis Remastered First Screenshots Don’t Look Particularly Impressive

3 years ago
Anonymous $qOHwDUKgAF

The first Crysis Remastered screenshots have been released online, and they don't paint a particularly promising picture for the upcoming remaster.

The screenshots, which have emerged on the Microsoft Store, do not look particularly impressive, as the remaster doesn't seem to be a major upgrade over the original. They are likely taken from the Xbox One version of the game, so there is the chance that the game will look much better on PC.

Crysis Remastered First Screenshots Don’t Look Particularly Impressive

Jun 30, 2020, 11:28am UTC > The first Crysis Remastered screenshots have been released online, and they don't paint a particularly promising picture for the upcoming remaster. > The screenshots, which have emerged on the Microsoft Store, do not look particularly impressive, as the remaster doesn't seem to be a major upgrade over the original. They are likely taken from the Xbox One version of the game, so there is the chance that the game will look much better on PC.