PS4 Download Speeds Will be Even Slower Than Usual Due to COVID-19 Says Sony

PS4 Download Speeds Will be Even Slower Than Usual Due to COVID-19 Says Sony

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf

If you’re a PlayStation 4 owner, you know the pain of waiting to play digital games all too well. For whatever reason, game downloads on PS4 are significantly slower than on Steam, Xbox One, or pretty much any other digital storefront you can name, and, unfortunately, they’re about to get even pokier.

As we’ve reported, Internet service providers are straining under the pressure as people self isolating at home due to COVID-19 increase the amount of streaming, downloading, and gaming they’re doing. Well, according to Sony, they’re working with ISPs in Europe to “manage download traffic” on PS4 in order to avoid outages…