Othercide is Bringing Stylish Tactical RPG Action to PC and Consoles This Summer

Othercide is Bringing Stylish Tactical RPG Action to PC and Consoles This Summer

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf


Focus Home Entertainment and developer Lightbulb Crew’s stylish new tactical RPG Othercide has nailed down a 2020 release window. The game features a slick black, white, and red visual scheme, creepy horror aesthetic, and deep strategic combat. It definitely looks like a unique addition to the genre – this ain’t another Final Fantasy Tactics rip-off. Check out a new trailer for Othercide, below.

While I’d like to see more actual gameplay (I feel like the lack of color may make it hard to read the battlefield), Othercide certainly looks promising. Want to know more? Here’s the game’s official description: