Torchlight III Is the New Name of Torchlight Frontiers; Game Drops F2P Model

Torchlight III Is the New Name of Torchlight Frontiers; Game Drops F2P Model

4 years ago
Anonymous $yQ5BfQaAxy

Torchlight III is officially happening, though it is not exactly a new game announcement. Instead, Perfect World Entertainment revealed today that Torchlight Frontiers is being rebranded and that includes dropping the free-to-play model.

That's just the beginning of the changes. Torchlight Frontiers was meant to be an MMO-like 'shared world experience', but Torchlight III will stick much closer to the previous franchise installments. In fact, players may even play offline entirely if they so choose. Max Schaefer, CEO of Echtra Games and co-founder of the Torchlight franchise, explained:

Torchlight III Is the New Name of Torchlight Frontiers; Game Drops F2P Model

Jan 27, 2020, 5:17pm UTC > Torchlight III is officially happening, though it is not exactly a new game announcement. Instead, Perfect World Entertainment revealed today that Torchlight Frontiers is being rebranded and that includes dropping the free-to-play model. > That's just the beginning of the changes. Torchlight Frontiers was meant to be an MMO-like 'shared world experience', but Torchlight III will stick much closer to the previous franchise installments. In fact, players may even play offline entirely if they so choose. Max Schaefer, CEO of Echtra Games and co-founder of the Torchlight franchise, explained: