Almost everyone who sent the FCC a unique comment last year favored net neutrality

Almost everyone who sent the FCC a unique comment last year favored net neutrality

5 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL


Out of 22 million comments sent to the Federal Communications Commission last year, only 800,000 were both real and unique. This is according to a report by Stanford researcher Brain Singel, who also found that those unique comments were—surprise—overwhelmingly in favor of net neutrality. A whopping 99.7 percent of those who took the time to write their own comments were for it.

"The FCC did nothing to try to prevent comment stuffing and comment fraud, and even after the vote, made no attempt to help the public, journalists, policy makers actually understand what Americans actually told the FCC about the repeal of the 2015 Open Internet Order," Singel wrote in a blog post on Monday.

Almost everyone who sent the FCC a unique comment last year favored net neutrality

Oct 16, 2018, 3:14am UTC
https://www.pcgamer.com/almost-everyone-who-sent-the-fcc-a-unique-comment-last-year-favored-net-neutrality/ > Out of 22 million comments sent to the Federal Communications Commission last year, only 800,000 were both real and unique. This is according to a report by Stanford researcher Brain Singel, who also found that those unique comments were—surprise—overwhelmingly in favor of net neutrality. A whopping 99.7 percent of those who took the time to write their own comments were for it. > "The FCC did nothing to try to prevent comment stuffing and comment fraud, and even after the vote, made no attempt to help the public, journalists, policy makers actually understand what Americans actually told the FCC about the repeal of the 2015 Open Internet Order," Singel wrote in a blog post on Monday.