Diablo Announcement Seems To Be Coming At BlizzCon 2018

Diablo Announcement Seems To Be Coming At BlizzCon 2018

5 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL


The schedule for BlizzCon 2018 has been released, and it certainly seems to imply something big for the Diablo series is on the way. The event shows two planned panels for Diablo, one of which is first up after the main stage presentation where Blizzard shows off its big upcoming announcements.

First, just a half-hour after the opening ceremony, the main stage will host a "Diablo: What's Next" panel on the main stage. The conference has similar panels planned for Overwatch, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and World of Warcraft--but Diablo's is conspicuously coming first. These panels tend to delve into more details about whatever announcements came during the opening ceremonies. A second panel, planned for the following day, covers the world of Diablo and is followed by a Q&A session.