Todd Howard on VR: 'Historically, the third generation is where it starts to become popular'

Todd Howard on VR: 'Historically, the third generation is where it starts to become popular'

5 years ago
Anonymous $cyhBy-qkd5

It may feel like the hype around virtual reality has cooled—but this is a rebound year for AR and VR headsets, so reckons the International Data Corporation. Someone else still seemingly invested in virtual reality is Bethesda director Todd Howard.

Speaking to Venturebeat (via Shack News) at Gamelab, Howard says he prefers virtual reality to augmented reality and is confident in the hardware's long-term appeal. "I'm a little more VR than AR," Howards tells VB. "We did Fallout and Skyrim in VR. We're just about to enter the second generation of VR. Historically, the third generation is where it starts to become popular."