Fortnite Battle Royale replays have peaked with brilliant Bruno Mars remake

Fortnite Battle Royale replays have peaked with brilliant Bruno Mars remake

5 years ago
Anonymous $cyhBy-qkd5

Fortnite Battle Royale offers more than battle royale-style killing sprees. No, it’s far more complex than that: The free-to-play game also has a wonderful replay feature, which players now use to shoot their own music videos and shorts. Epic Games has even capitalized on this by holding competitions that encourage fans’ creativity.

And we may have found the most creative replay mode-made video yet. Following up on their viral hit “This is Fortnite” — a take on Childish Gambino’s “This is America” video — WiziBlimp has produced “Fortnite Finesse.” The four-minute music video recreates Bruno Mars and Cardi B’s clip for their remix of “Finesse,” a song that slaps even harder with Cardi’s verses. “Finesse” is a lovely vid on its own, but it’s beyond impressive to see how WiziBlimp makes it their own.

Fortnite Battle Royale replays have peaked with brilliant Bruno Mars remake

Jul 5, 2018, 6:28pm UTC > Fortnite Battle Royale offers more than battle royale-style killing sprees. No, it’s far more complex than that: The free-to-play game also has a wonderful replay feature, which players now use to shoot their own music videos and shorts. Epic Games has even capitalized on this by holding competitions that encourage fans’ creativity. > And we may have found the most creative replay mode-made video yet. Following up on their viral hit “This is Fortnite” — a take on Childish Gambino’s “This is America” video — WiziBlimp has produced “Fortnite Finesse.” The four-minute music video recreates Bruno Mars and Cardi B’s clip for their remix of “Finesse,” a song that slaps even harder with Cardi’s verses. “Finesse” is a lovely vid on its own, but it’s beyond impressive to see how WiziBlimp makes it their own.