E3 2018: Skull & Bones Beta Registration Now Open

E3 2018: Skull & Bones Beta Registration Now Open

6 years ago
Anonymous $roN-uuAfLt


We got a more in depth look at Skull & Bones during Ubisoft's E3 press conference. Trailers highlighted the game's setting, the peak of the age of piracy, and the gameplay, player-vs-player-vs-environment combat.

After the conference, Ubisoft announced that Skull and Bones would be getting a beta. Registration opened June 11. Gamers who successfully register for the beta will be the first to play Skull & Bones, and have the chance to test the effectiveness of different strategies upon the open sea.

E3 2018: Skull & Bones Beta Registration Now Open

Jun 14, 2018, 10:26pm UTC
https://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-2018-skull-and-bones-beta-registration-now-open/1100-6459714/ > We got a more in depth look at Skull & Bones during Ubisoft's E3 press conference. Trailers highlighted the game's setting, the peak of the age of piracy, and the gameplay, player-vs-player-vs-environment combat. > After the conference, Ubisoft announced that Skull and Bones would be getting a beta. Registration opened June 11. Gamers who successfully register for the beta will be the first to play Skull & Bones, and have the chance to test the effectiveness of different strategies upon the open sea.