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White House could use AT&T/Time Warner deal as “leverage” against CNN - AT&T seemingly on track to buy Time Warner despite Trump's anger at CNN

White House could use AT&T/Time Warner deal as “leverage” against CNN - AT&T seemingly on track to buy Time Warner despite Trump's anger at CNN

6 years ago
Anonymous $pseC-9oBo6

White House advisers have discussed a potential point of leverage over their adversary, a senior administration official said: a pending merger between CNN’s parent company, Time Warner, and AT&T. Mr. Trump’s Justice Department will decide whether to approve the merger, and while analysts say there is little to stop the deal from moving forward, the president’s animus toward CNN remains a wild card.

White House could use AT&T/Time Warner deal as “leverage” against CNN - AT&T seemingly on track to buy Time Warner despite Trump's anger at CNN

Jul 7, 2017, 3:54pm UTC >White House advisers have discussed a potential point of leverage over their adversary, a senior administration official said: a pending merger between CNN’s parent company, Time Warner, and AT&T. Mr. Trump’s Justice Department will decide whether to approve the merger, and while analysts say there is little to stop the deal from moving forward, the president’s animus toward CNN remains a wild card.