New AI Technologies Generating Employment for AI Professionals

New AI Technologies Generating Employment for AI Professionals

3 years ago
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AI, off late, has gotten accepted across every industry you can think of. Disruptive tech is affecting the daily lives of people across the globe. A few examples of the same would be routed to an unknown destination using an AI-powered GPS app, switching on and off the electrical devices and gadgets using voice commands, among many others. The applications of artificial intelligence technology have now become common in a plethora of industries such as healthcare, farming, e-commerce, and automotive.

AI Tech to Soon Take Over Our Lives

Top 5 AI Technologies Ruling the Global Business Landscape

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural language processing is basically an AI tech that deals in understanding human communications among themselves and how would a computer imitate human behavior. The technology has helped computers analyze and understand human voice commands, thereby helping human beings communicate with computers better. As a matter of fact, AI Engineers adept in NLP will be high on demand in the years to come.

2. Speech Recognition

There will soon come a point in our lives when we will get completely dependent on AI to perform day-to-day activities. These would comprise dependence on AI when commuting to work while a driver less car would pick up us in the morning and will park itself after dropping us at the workplace, virtual assistants waking us up in the morning, and AI robots based on data analysis helping us in our work-related decision-making. There will be a need for thousands and millions of new AI professionals in the next few years, given the degree of AI adoption across business sectors.