Giant 9-foot Python Spotted Slithering Outside Florida Family's Home

Giant 9-foot Python Spotted Slithering Outside Florida Family's Home

3 years ago
Anonymous $y15ULlV7sG


A Florida family has spotted a giant Burmese python in the yard of their home. The snake, which was estimated to measure around nine feet in length, appeared to be sunning itself, Alicia Perez Carillo, a member of the family, told CBS4 Miami.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) the cold-blooded pythons like to venture out into the open more frequently in cooler weather in order to catch some sun and warm up—meaning people are more likely to encounter them.

Giant 9-foot Python Spotted Slithering Outside Florida Family's Home

Jan 13, 2021, 11:28am UTC
http://www.newsweek.com/florida-giant-python-family-home-1561109 > A Florida family has spotted a giant Burmese python in the yard of their home. The snake, which was estimated to measure around nine feet in length, appeared to be sunning itself, Alicia Perez Carillo, a member of the family, told CBS4 Miami. > According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) the cold-blooded pythons like to venture out into the open more frequently in cooler weather in order to catch some sun and warm up—meaning people are more likely to encounter them.