Portuguese communities lock horns with lithium miners to save their land

Portuguese communities lock horns with lithium miners to save their land

4 years ago
Anonymous $-riAjkQg_1


The lush, green hills where Paulo Pires has for years brought sheep to graze above his picturesque Portuguese village may soon be transformed by the race to power electric vehicles.

Portuguese communities lock horns with lithium miners to save their land

Feb 14, 2020, 6:16am UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-portugal-environment-lithium-insight/portuguese-communities-lock-horns-with-lithium-miners-to-save-their-land-idUSKBN2080GV >The lush, green hills where Paulo Pires has for years brought sheep to graze above his picturesque Portuguese village may soon be transformed by the race to power electric vehicles.