5 best Bay Area plant-based burger restaurants

5 best Bay Area plant-based burger restaurants

3 years ago
Anonymous $4BDEsVAtYS


Move over, sad bean patty. Take your wilted sprouts with you. The new wave of plant-based burger joints are slinging massive, juicy and unapologetically meatless patties — housemade, Beyond or Impossible — with secret sauces, artisan buns and loads of umami to appeal to flexitarians, vegetarians and omnivores alike. Here are five of our favorites.

Details: Open from 11 a.m. Friday-Sunday and 2 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday at 3905 Piedmont Ave., Oakland. Coming soon to San Rafael; www.malibusburgers.com

5 best Bay Area plant-based burger restaurants

Apr 8, 2021, 1:14am UTC
https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/04/07/5-best-bay-area-plant-based-burger-restaurants/ > Move over, sad bean patty. Take your wilted sprouts with you. The new wave of plant-based burger joints are slinging massive, juicy and unapologetically meatless patties — housemade, Beyond or Impossible — with secret sauces, artisan buns and loads of umami to appeal to flexitarians, vegetarians and omnivores alike. Here are five of our favorites. > Details: Open from 11 a.m. Friday-Sunday and 2 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday at 3905 Piedmont Ave., Oakland. Coming soon to San Rafael; www.malibusburgers.com